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Továrny na našich webových stránkách

   The origins of Alf Group date back to the early 1950s, when a group of artisan wood workers, with a wealth of experience and skill behind them, decided to come together to form a cooperative in Francenigo (Treviso, Italy).

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   ALIVAR was founded in 1984 in Firenze, Tuscany.

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   Továrna na výrobu nábytku Alta Cucine byla založena v roce 1984 a od roku 1995 je součástí koncernu Arros Group.

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   ANGELO CAPPELLINI, společnost s bohatou historií. Po jejích výrobcích je neustále vysoká poptávka, neboť jsou okamžitě rozeznatelné, díky svému elegantnímu provedení a věrnosti klasickému stylu.

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   ARAN WORLD je světovou jedničkou v projekci, výrobě a prodeji kuchyní.

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The history of Arredo3 started in 1984 thanks to the initiative and courage of three friends.

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   ARREDOKIT srl has been in the furnishing market for many years and is the expert in the manufacture of shoes cabinet and furnishing complements.

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   32 let podnikání, 10 kolekcí, 476 povrchových úprav k dispozici,

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   Společnost AUTHENTIC MODELS již brzy oslaví své 50. výročí.

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   B&B ITALIA je přední italskou společností na mezinárodní scéně nábytkového designu pro domácnost i pro veřejné prostory.

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   Founded in the 90s by the Bolzan family, today the company is an international brand,

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   For over 90 years we are furnishing your home with the following constant objectives:

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1923: Antonio Calligaris započal své podnikání otevřením malé řemeslné dílny na výrobu židlí "Marocca"

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Firmu CATTELAN ITALIA založili Giorgio a Silvia Cattelan v roce 1979.

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   COMPAB began in 1994 as a manufacturer of bathroom furniture, but its history goes back even further.

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   ConfortPlus is a new Italian company in the production of upholstered furniture and beds.

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   V roce 1970 se mladý řemeslník s vášní pro mosaz a její odlévání rozhodl zabezpečit svou budoucnost

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   The factory was founded in 1948. At that time, the total production area was 95 square meters and only three workers worked in the production.

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    40 years. Art becomes history.

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   Ferretti and Ferretti was founded in 1966 in the province of Pisa, the heart of Tuscany,

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   Mateřská společnost KARTELL, založená v roce 1949 v Miláně Juliem Kastellim,

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   Company established in the province of Padua in the early 1990’s, L'OTTOCENTO produces handmade kitchens and living room furniture in a classic and contemporary style.

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   Epocha, v níž krása a harmonie stály na prvním místě, dala vzniknout nábytku té nejvyšší kvality,

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   Design, style and quality, made in Italy for over 40 years.

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   52 different handmade header models to create a unique collection.

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  Cucine Lube má v daném segmentu vedoucí postavení na italském trhu, vyrábí 65 tisíc kuchyní ročně

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   The year was 1967, when Gino Silvestrin together with 2 other partners,

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   The brothers Giovanni, born in 1941, and Iginio, born in 1942, were still just boys when, in 1966,

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   MERCANTINI MOBILI, the historical brand of the furniture sector of Pesaro, is currently managed by MORETTI INDUSTRY S.r.l.

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   MIDJ is a company based in Cordovado, in the north-east of Italy, founded in 1987.

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   Over twenty years of history, passion,curiosity,search of functionality and beauty.

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   The founder Gregorio Olivieri in 1908 was only 9 years old when he began to make the first solid wood materials fasciated by the their beauty.

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   Historie továrny PIANCA trvá již déle než 65 let.

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   Since 1964, creativity, intuition, curiosity, optimism, experimentation and rapid adaptation have accompanied the evolution and growth of the company from Friuli in new global markets, always one step ahead of everyone else.

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   Since 1968, SELVA has been producing handmade designer furniture.

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   These carpets turn any home into a place of emotion.

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   Spagnol Group je mladý podnik, který byl založen na počátku devadesátých let,

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   Společnost Stosa Cucine završila 50 let své existence.

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   Target Point is a company which , for years, has been standing out in the furnishing sector creating successful collections for the night and the day zone.

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   Founded by Gianni Tonin more than 40 years ago, TONIN CASA has been, since the very beginning, a perfect example of passion, elegance and research in the furniture business.

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